Global Forest Watch

"The latest UN report on climate says reducing deforestation is crucial to slowing global warming. But researchers must first reconcile two contradictory sets of statistics on tree loss in order to determine whether promises made by nations to protect and restore forests are on target." Fred Pearce author at Yale Environment 360 wrote a detailed article regarding the data sets we currently have and what they mean. Read more here.

One of those data sets comes from the Global Forest Watch which has an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information about where and how forests are changing around the world.

We've embedded GFW's Annual Tree Cover Loss data here for Oregon where Hemp Press is headquarted and for the Globe. We offer this information as a visual reminder that the mission of Hemp Press is vital to the future of our forests. At Hemp Press we believe that
The Future of Paper is Rooted in Fields, Not Forests.™

Here is GFW's data for Global Annual Tree Cover Loss.
This article regarding a 2018 study done by Oregon State University, logging is by far the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon. This article goes on to say that if managed sustainably, Pacific Northwest forests can capture and store more carbon per hectare than almost any other ecosystem on earth. But tragically, these carbon stocks have been severely depleted by industrial scale clearcutting and now exist at a mere fraction of nature’s baseline. For example, carbon densities in some of Oregon’s remaining old growth has been shown to exceed 1,200 metric tons per hectare, while plantations forests now store less than 400 metric tons per hectare.

The philosophy at Hemp Press is that forests should be managed sustainably and the resulting wood products should be used for things for which there is no better substitute. Hemp is that better substitute when it comes to paper. Why clearcut our forests and turn them into office paper when we can take waste fiber from hemp fields and achieve the same goal?
The Future of Paper is Rooted in Fields, Not Forests.™

Here is GFW's data for Oregon's Annual Tree Cover Loss.